Nux: a starting point!

Hi guys, i'm Francesco Avitabile from 55 HP Games : a wannabe game developer based in Italy!

I'm here, this evening,  to write my first post on my first devlog about my first Hyper Casual Game development!
Last September i released my first portfolio game: FARO. It's a simple platform where you need to use the theory of colours to pass the 12 levels that compose it. (You can easly find it navigating into my web page :D )

I consider FARO my project zero . FARO is a project i'm really proud of. It was a fantastic and unique opportunity  for me to assimilate thousand and thousand mainingful lessons. Maybe in the future I'ill write a post about FARO but that's not why we're here, now

Today I want to talk you about my new project: Nux , the project ONE !

 As I said before, my dream is to join the game industry and i'm trying to learn by doing! Before my first and only realeased project, there are 5+ never born games behind my shoulders. The main reason about that is the common initial situation where every aspirant and self-taugth developer have to face: your dreams are always BIGGER and HEAVIER of your strenght and experience.

So, only after bad and bitter (but incredible useful) experiences , you can start to understand your real limits and skills.

Therefore, for this main reason, after the developement of a simple platform game with a funny colourful main mechaninc, i thought to start developing a simple hyper casual game; a genre "usally" very easy to make and rather widespread nowadays.

The gameplay is very easy: you will control a pendulum and chose where and how hard it should hit a stone situated on a slippery track in order to reach a specific area called home.

Basically I need more time to explain the gameplay writing a text instead of just showing the prototype to you, dear tester :D!

So, without further ado, let's go to the prototype version 1.0. !

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